Friday, January 31, 2014

Mind Blowing Friday Film

Quite possibly the most amazing footage of feeding fish I have ever seen.

Friday, January 17, 2014

What Gives Me Hope

Chock up another victory for the masses.  Clink the link to read the whole story. Montana Supreme Court Affirms Stream Access

The Montana Supreme Court once again did the right thing and upheld our right to access OUR rivers and streams.  Hopefully this decision will put to put the kibosh on any future challenges.  We'll have to see.  You can sure of one thing however, if there is something good out there that everyone loves, someone will try to ruin it.  As long as there stands to be a boat load of money to be made (by the select few) by privatizing water in this state we will have to remain vigilant.

Until then, we can celebrate this victory and thank the folks at The Public Land and Water Access Association  for defending our right to access rivers and streams such as the Ruby River.  Something that Montanans have been doing since we were a territory.  I think we should also applaud the Montana Supreme Court for seeing through the shabby arguments of James Cox Kennedy and his"we'll do anything for a buck" band of lawyers.  Sorry for the soapbox diatribe, I just get fired up about this stuff.    

It's great when the good guys win one.  I guess there is hope for the world after all.

It belongs to everyone.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 - A Year in Pictures

2013 was a mighty fine year.  My wife and I bought a house, adopted a dog, I fulfilled the dream of becoming a fly fishing guide, and of course had some wonderful days on the water with friends and caught some beautiful fish. 

Here's looking to 2014 and another great year.  Below is my best an attempt at an end of year post.  I didn't feel like writing much so here is my year in pictures.

Spent many days exploring my home river.  The Bitterroot.
Did not let a broken finger keep me down.
Experienced some great hatches
Had some amazing days on the Mo' with friends

Floated the one and only Smith River.

Had a few stellar days of carp fishing.
Experienced many amazing Montana summer days.
Caught my first Steelhead on a fly.
Got to experience the incredible scenery and fishing in Hell's Canyon.
Looking forward to what 2014 has to offer.